Frequently Asked Questions

What do we learn during the 5 week Weight Loss Course?
We examine how your body responds to the fitness program. We take measurements before you start, so we can adapt the program to your capabilities. Then you train 10 times at your rhythm and level. After 5 weeks we measure your progression score. We therefore examine individually whether you are trainable. You will receive a printout with the results of this examination. After 10 sessions your fat burning will increase, we teach you how to do that.
How many times a week can I come?
There are 2 sessions per week and the same for 5 weeks. The sessions lasts about 40 minutes.
Where do the sessions take place?
Click on this link to get an overview of all participating municipalities/clubs.
Is there a fixed start date?
The coach will contact you to schedule your first appointment, so your first appointment is by mutual agreement.
Can you choose when to train?
The 10 sessions can be chosen freely during the opening hours of the participating club. You can train during the morning, afternoon or evening.
Can it be on different days because I have a varying schedule?
You can choose hours during the opening hours of the participating clubs, so it is not a problem if your job requires you to work in shifts or if you have a varying schedule.
Are there any extra costs?
There is a one-time participation fee of 89 euros, you can pay online or by bank transfer. There are no additional costs.
(a guarantee can be requested for the use of measuring instruments, but this guarantee will be returned to you when these measuring instruments are given back at the end of the program)
Is there any commitment afterwards?
This course requires that you train twice a week for 5 weeks, there is no commitment after these 10 sessions.
I also take part in other sports activities, may I participate in the program?
Both fit and untrained people may participate, this course program can be combined with your other sports activities. The aim is to get the training twice a week.
How old do I have to be to join?
We have participants between 18 and 80 years of age. If there is an age limit, it is stated in the terms and conditions.
Can I bring someone?
It’s good for your motivation to come with two, that’s definitely possible. Make it easy for the coach and pass on the details of your training buddy via this link.
I live in a district, may I join?
Yes, you can participate the 5 weeks program, provided that you show up twice a week.
I do not live in the municipality but work there. May I participate?
Yes, you can participate in the program, provided that you show up twice a week.
Is nutritional advice given in the slim down program?
This course concentrates on burning fat and increasing your fat burn capacity. Nutritional advice is not provided.
Should additional products be taken/purchased?
No, we do not recommend that you take additional products during the duration of the course.
How can I pay?
You can pay online or by bank transfer:
Beneficiary: European Fitness Academy
Amount: 89 euros
Account Number: IBAN: BE69 7360 4185 6978 and BIC: KRED BE BB
Communication: First Name + Last Name + Participating city
My question is not listed above, how can I get my question answered?
Elke will be happy to help you, you can reach her via email or via SMS +32477796234.
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